I've got django project with celery 2.5.5 and rabbitmq backend on debian 6. I've got over 6000 tasks of different types in one queue. There were some bug in code and I need to list all tasks in that queue and pull out some of them. All I need is findout all task ids in rabbitmq queue. I cant findout way how to connect rabbitmq queue and list it's content, best without starting up management plugin.
Great would be something pythonish like:
import somelib
conn = somelib.server(credentials, vhost)
queue = conn.get_queue(queue_name)
messages = queue.get_messages()
But any other tool to list such queue helps. Found out some tool installed using npm, but debian 6 does not know npm and building it from source is not quite pleasant way.
Or something to backup rabbitmq queues in human readable form is also appreciated.
Thanks for ideas