
I'm using Celery in a django project, my broker is RabbitMQ, and I want to retrieve the length of the queues. I went through the code of Celery but did not find the tool to do that. I found this issue on stackoverflow (Check RabbitMQ queue size from client), but I don't find it satisfying.

Everything is setup in celery, so there should be some kind of magic method to retrieve what I want, without specifying a channel / connection.

Does anyone have any idea about this question ?

Thanks !


3 Answers


Here is an example on how to read the queue length in rabbitMQ for a given queue:

def get_rabbitmq_queue_length(q):
    from pyrabbit.api import Client
    from pyrabbit.http import HTTPError

    count = 0

        cl = Client('localhost:15672', 'guest', 'guest')
        if cl.is_alive():
            count = cl.get_queue_depth('/', q)
    except HTTPError as e:
        print "Exception: Could not establish to rabbitmq http api: " + str(e) + " Check for port, proxy, username/pass configuration errors"

    return count

This is using pyrabbit as previously suggested by Philip


PyRabbit is probably what you are looking for, it is a Python interface to the RabbitMQ management interface API. It will allow you to query for queues and their current message counts.


You can inspect the workers in celery by using inspect module. Here is the guide.

Also for RabbitMQ there are some command line command.