
Today I was playing with the new (beta) Office 365 unified APIs and I noticed a very strange behaviour, possibly a bug on Microsoft side.

When I try to delete a calendar using the unified APIs I get a 409 error, the same I get when I try to create a new calendar passing a name which already exists. Here below the REST details.


DELETE https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/me/calendars/AAMkAGZlO...6AAA= HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ...
Host: graph.microsoft.com


HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
{"error":{"code":"ErrorFolderExists","message":"A folder with the specified name already exists."}}

According to the specs (https://msdn.microsoft.com/office/office365/APi/calendar-rest-operations#Deletecalendars), 204 should be returned.

Is there a way to create a bug on Microsoft side, such as a bug tracker?

Thanks a lot in advance

Thanks for the report! I'd like to try to reproduce this so our team can investigate. To clarify, do you have a folder by the same name already in your deleted items folder?Jason Johnston
Hi Jason, I didn't notice this but yes you are right. This happens when a calendar with the same name was already deleted. Also the update use case fails exactly like the delete. If I try to rename a folder using a name of a folder which existed but was deleted, 409 is returned.Ciaccia
Thanks! I can reproduce this even with the non-unified endpoint. I've filed a bug with our engineering team to investigate.Jason Johnston
@JasonJohnston when this have any update, please tell us. Do somebody know any workaround?PhoneixS
Well, I found you can rename the calendar and then delete it. But then this name is also "poisoned" so if you create a new calendar with the new name you can't delete it.PhoneixS

1 Answers


This has been Service Exception processing request. Code: ErrorFolderExists, Message: A folder with the specified name already exists., Retry The reason for this error, is that the source platform has a native folder - 'Notes' for example, and the destination Exchange / Outlook also has a native Notes folder, but only for Outlook Notes.


Therefore the source folder needs to be renamed for a migration to work.