I'm starting to look at the new Office 365 Unified API (specifically around Exchange for the moment).
In the existing Mail API at you can make an authenticated call to https://outlook.office365.com/api/v1.0/me/folders/Inbox/messages in order to get messages in the Inbox. You can also hit folders/Drafts/messages
, folders/SentItems/messages
and folders/DeletedItems/messages
to retrieve messages from Drafts, Sent Items and Deleted Items respectively. This is documented at https://msdn.microsoft.com/office/office365/APi/mail-rest-operations#AllMailAPIoperations.
Problem is, I can't find (either in documentation at https://msdn.microsoft.com/office/office365/HowTo/office-365-unified-api-reference#msg_ref_relationship_Messages or by messing about on https://graphexplorer2.azurewebsites.net) how to drill into these folders when accessing via the Office 365 Unified API.
The documented URL to access messages via the new Unified API is https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/me/Messages, and so I was hoping I could hit something like Messages/Inbox
or Messages/folders/Inbox
, but no luck so far.
Does anyone know if these paths are currently missing or addressed differently, or if it's the intention that you find what you want by using $search
rather than drilling into specific folders?