I'm trying to understand the difference between a restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM), and a feed-forward neural network (NN). I know that an RBM is a generative model, where the idea is to reconstruct the input, whereas an NN is a discriminative model, where the idea is the predict a label. But what I am unclear about, is why you cannot just use a NN for a generative model? In particular, I am thinking about deep belief networks and multi-layer perceptrons.
Suppose my input to the NN is a set of notes called x, and my output of the NN is a set of nodes y. In a discriminative model, my loss during training would be the difference between y, and the value of y that I want x to produce (e.g. ground truth probabilities for class labels). However, what about if I just made the output have the same number of nodes as the input, and then set the loss to be the difference between x and y? In this way, the network would learn to reconstruct the input, like in an RBM.
So, given that a NN (or a multi-layer perceptron) can be used to train a generative model in this way, why would you use an RBM (or a deep belief network) instead? Or in this case, would they be exactly the same?