
I'm training a Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) (with default options) in scikit-learn using the partial_fit(X,y) function and I notice that there is a difference between calling




The second option seems faster but the result seems worse. Can someone explain me what is happening?


1 Answers


It's a bit difficult to answer the question without a minimal, reproducible example but here's my take.

A sklearn perceptron has an attribute batch_size which has a default value of 200. When you set verbose=True of your MLPClassifier, you will see that your first example (two consecutive calls) results in two iterations, while the 2nd example results in one iteration, i.e. the the 2nd partial_fit call improves the result from the first call. In each iteration the total sample is split into chunks again.

When you have a small sample_size (<5000 in the snippet below), the default batch_size is too big relative to the sample size, reducing it to 100 will give better results for both approaches but there won't be a difference between the consecutive calls and the one line approach.

This artifact disappears with higher sample numbers (>10^6).

enter image description here

from sklearn.datasets import make_moons
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def get_mlp(resize_batch, n):
    mlp = MLPClassifier(verbose=True, random_state=random_state)
    if resize_batch:
        mlp.batch_size = min(n // 2, 100)
    return mlp

n_samples = [10**2, 10**3, 5*10**3, 10**4, 10**5, 10**6, 10**7]
batch_resize = [False, True]
random_state = 1

results = list()

for n in n_samples:
    x = make_moons(n_samples=n, noise=0.3, random_state=random_state)
    X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(x[0])
    for resize in batch_resize:
        mlp = get_mlp(resize, n)
        mlp.partial_fit(X, x[1], [0, 1])
        results[-1].append([mlp.score(X, x[1]), 0, resize])

        mlp = get_mlp(resize, n)
        for i in range(2):

            train_start = i * n // 2
            train_stop = (i + 1) * n // 2
            mlp.partial_fit(X[train_start:train_stop], x[1][train_start:train_stop], [0, 1])
        results[-1].append([mlp.score(X, x[1]), 1, resize])

x = [i[0] for i in results]
colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'black']
labels = ['one call, batch=auto', 'two calls, batch=auto', 'one call, batch=100', 'two calls, batch=100']

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
handles = list()
for n in range(4):
    plt.subplot(210 + i)
    handles.append(plt.plot(x, [i[n + 1][0] for i in results], c=colors[n], label=labels[n])[0])
plt.legend(handles=handles, loc=2)