
I have recently installed org-mode for emacs through its package manager, and for some reason the latex-previewing feature does not work. I've tried both imagemagick and dvipng.

The message that I get when I try [C-c C-x C-l] is: "Symbol's function definition is void: org-infile-export-plist." I'm relatively new to emacs so I'm not sure how to proceed. I've been googling for about 2 hours and I haven't found anyone with a similar problem.

I have the latest version of emacs and org-mode 7.9. I checked about mixed installation issues (as suggested by the org manual) and everything checks out. I'm running Linux mint 17.

Can someone suggest a solution?

ps: I've tried AucTex and that works, but I think it only works on .tex files, not on .org files.

Edit: since I made the post I've found out that several other commands are giving me the same error (with different variables after the colon). Is there something wrong with my installation?

yes, the current version of org-mode is more like 8.2.10 when installed from ELPA. I guess you are using an older version somehow.John Kitchin
I will try updating but somehow I don't think that's the problem. That's the standard version that comes with emacs, and I would think those basic features would work fine.johnymm

2 Answers


I was facing similar issue while trying to solve a bug in org-mode on spacemac, preview-toggle-latex-fragment which apparently causing the bug when the stack is in this order

  • spacemac 0.200.13
  • emacs-plus 25.3_2
  • org-plus-contrib-20180521

a few of this solution might come in handy, it didn't work for but it definitely gave me a broader view of the situation I'm facing

As I google-fu my way through, I stumbled upon a issue posted on d12frosted/homebrew-emacs, which sort of convince me to give mituharu/emacs-mac a try and it turned out that it worked really well out of the box and solve the problem.

My current working configuration for my (org-mode + latex) would be

  • spacemacs 0.300.0 ( dev branch )
  • emacs-mac 26.1
  • +emacs/org ( spacemac layer )
    • org-plus-contrib-20180521
  • latex-math-preview (elpa)

  • dvipng ( it wasn't on brew, it came with TexLive)

    $ tlmgr install dvipng
  • TeXLive

Once you've solved the problem, you might find this helpful as well. auto preview latex fragment


This is old but since I had the same issue, maybe it'll help someone else. This happens because the Org export functions haven't been loaded. Try doing export and cancelling it with the sequence C-c C-e q this will cause ox (Org export) to be loaded, and latex preview should now work. If that fixes your issue, add this to your .emacs:

;; Preload org export functions, needed for latex preview. 
(require 'ox)