In the latex-mode, we can make a tex file to fill it with all settings we want, it as usual.tex, and put its location at the head of all tex files we would like to debug, as follow:
we can type codes simply between
with the all settings filled in usual.tex.
And here my purpose is to do the similar thing in org-mode -xelatex, what commands I need to add into .emacs ?
It seem to add such commands in .emacs
(add-to-list 'org-export-latex-classes
can define the latex format via the code in org-file : #+LATEX_CLASSES my-article
but I replaced all \\....
of \\input{location_of_usual.tex/usual}
, the org-file can't produce PDF-file, giving the message:
No definition of class 'usual' in 'org-export-classes'
What is the correct set-up?
I made a lot tries to deal with, but failed, such as:
emacs still shows the error message, saying:
no definition of class 'usual' in 'org-export-classes'