I have a few python applications running in Google App Engine, and using datastore as storage.
I'm referring to https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/adminconsole/datastoreadmin#backing_up_data
When you choose Cloud Storage, you are prompted for the bucket name where the backups are to be stored, in the format /my_bucket_name. You can optionally specify the bucket name suffixed with a directory structure (e.g., /bucket_name/backups/backup1): If those folders don't already exist, they will be created. Note: In older versions of App Engine, users were required to use the format /gs/bucket_name. While the prefix /gs/ will continue to work, it is no longer required.
Hence, I try to supply /my_bucket_name
as Google Cloud Storage bucket name.
However, when I click on Backup Entities, I get error
Unsupported filesystem: my_bucket_name
I try another name /gs/bucket_name
I get
Bucket "bucket_name" not accessible
I was wondering, how can I provide a valid bucket name for Google Cloud Storage, in order to backup my datastore?