So, I am trying to automate our GAE Datastore backups using cron.yaml. Furthermore, I would like to use Google Cloud Storage as the destination for our backups. I have created a bucket and set up the ACL. Manual backups work from the Datastore Admin console. I can even get the cron to work. But, we push the same codebase to 3 different environments: dev, staging, production. So, I would like to separate the backups in different buckets based on the application name.
I would like staging datastore to go to myapp_staging_bk bucket, dev in myapp_dev_bk bucket, and live to myapp_live_bk.
- description: My Daily Backup
url: /_ah/datastore_admin/backup.create?name=BackupToCloud&kind=LogTitle&kind=EventLog&filesystem=gs&gs_bucket_name=whitsend
schedule: every 12 hours
target: ah-builtin-python-bundle
All of this would be super easy if I could figure out a way to pull the application name in the above url. Something like this:
url: /_ah/datastore_admin/backup.create?name=BackupToCloud&kind=LogTitle&kind=EventLog&filesystem=gs&{myapp}_bk=whitsend
schedule: every 12 hours
where {myapp} would be the name of the app that's in app.yaml. doesn't say anything about this type of a setup.
I know I could pull this off with our CI server, but I would like to avoid this.
Does anyone have any suggestions?