I have the following cocoapods Podfile
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'Foo' do
pod "SwiftyJSON", '~> 2.2.0'
pod "Locksmith"
pod "GoogleMaps"
pod "RealmSwift"
target 'FooTests' do
I'm also using cocoapods 0.37.2. For some reason, when I try to run the app, it complains with the following error, when clearly I have specified that my project requires SwiftyJSON 2.2.0 or greater:
Reason: Incompatible library version: Foo requires version 2.0.0 or later, but SwiftyJSON provides version 1.0.0
I have verified that there's no other dependencies on SwiftyJSON (using cocoapods-dependencies):
$pod dependencies
- GoogleMaps (1.10.1)
- Locksmith (1.2.2)
- Realm (0.93.2):
- Realm/Headers (= 0.93.2)
- Realm/Headers (0.93.2)
- RealmSwift (0.93.2):
- Realm (= 0.93.2)
- SwiftyJSON (2.2.0)
As you can see, no one is pulling SwiftyJSON 1.0.0. By the way, the reason I'm using cocoapods 0.37.2 is because of this bug when I tried to use 0.38.1: https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/3890.
Have I missed anything here (regarding the SwiftyJSON version mismatch) ? I've tried cleaning the project, redoing pod install, etc without any luck..
Thanks in advance!