
After I execute a pod install at the base of my project, I get the following error:

CocoaPods did not set the base configuration of your project because because your project already has a custom config set. In order for CocoaPods integration to work at all, please either set the base configurations of the target BluePlaquesLondonFramework to Pods/Target Support Files/Pods/Pods.debug.xcconfig or include the Pods/Target Support Files/Pods/Pods.debug.xcconfig in your build configuration.

This probably sounds like a silly question, but how do I set the base configuration for a target?

https://github.com/seanoshea/BluePlaquesLondon/blob/ios8/Podfile is the Podfile which is causing this issue.

http://github.com/seanoshea/BluePlaquesLondon on the iOS 8 branch is the Podfile in question if you're curious to see what the project looks like.

This is a bit off-topic, but; I just want to warn you about iOS-KML-Framework. It uses version 1.5 of TBXML, which is a bit buggy. If you get malformed XML in your feed, your app will crash. You may want to make a private fork for iOS-KML-Framework where you remove the '1.5' from the podspec, and just use the HEAD of TBXML. That seems to fix a lot of the problems.churowa
Please update your title to include more of the actual warning. For example: "CocoaPods did not set configuration warning".David James
Updated the title @DavidJames. Happy to alter it again if you think it a little wordy though.seanoshea
Now its one of the longest titles I've seen on stackoverflow.Klaas
github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/2633 has a good workaround - set all configs to None, then run "pod install"David Airapetyan

17 Answers


I had the same problem, but in Xcode 6.1.1 - what fixed it for me was to change the configuration file setting to None for the two Pods-related targets, then run pod install again.

The configuration file setting is found by selecting the project (not the target) and then the Info tab.


Don't tinker, Reset.


  1. Show Project Navigator
  2. Select Project
  3. Select Info
  4. In Configurations, select each one, one at a time (Debug, ApplicationUnitTest, Release, etc.), and for each target within said configuration, set configuration to None.
  5. Make certain that Based on Configuration File reads 0 Configurations Set or No Configurations Set for each configuration. That is the crux. 0 Configurations Set
  6. Quit Xcode
  7. rm -rf Pods/ Podfile.lock ; pod install

Once you have allowed pod install in step 7 to do its magic, you may be able to use a custom config and change your configurations.


Go into XCode and open your project settings and under the Info tab, you will see "Configurations" where you can set a configuration file for both Debug and Release. You apparently have already set these to some custom config and CocoaPods wants/needs you to use the Pods config.

Here's a screen shot


Ran into the same problem. It would build on the simulator but not on my device. None of the answers solved this for me. Here's what I did piecing some answers together:

  1. Changed my pods file to use a specific target:

    target :MyProject do
        pod 'AWSCognitoSync'
        pod 'Facebook-iOS-SDK'
  2. Ran pod install

  3. That gives an error: [!] CocoaPods did not set the base configuration of your project because your project already has a custom config set. In order for CocoaPods integration to work at all, please either set the base configurations of the target `MyProject` to `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-MyProject/Pods-MyProject.debug.xcconfig` or include the `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-MyProject/Pods-MyProject.debug.xcconfig` in your build configuration.
  4. Go Project settings and click on Info tab. There will be an error where it cannot find the Configuration file. Set it to "None" for Debug and Release.
  5. Run pod install yet again
  6. Clean and build. This works.

You should also make sure that you have no pods in the root of Podfile, you should define all the pods that are used in many targets like that:

def shared_pods
  pod 'ReactiveCocoa', '~> 2.5'
target 'app' do
  pod 'RestKit'
target 'tests' do
  pod 'OCMock'

You also might need to delete libPods.a and libPods-app.a from the target dependencies, perform a clean and then run pod install again.


I just ran into this issue after adding some custom build configurations. I could see under:

Pods (target) > Target Support Files > Pods

that it had actually created the new xcconfig files that matched the new build configurations but for some reason I could not select these in the project target of my app.

What fixed it for me was to install and use cocoapods-deintegrate:

gem install cocoapods-deintegrate

and then run:

pod deintegrate

followed by:

pod install

The line in the podfile that is generating a problem is : link_with ['BluePlaquesLondon', 'BluePlaquesLondonFramework'].

Just make this : link_with ['BluePlaquesLondon'] or this (worked in my case, hope it will in yours :-)) :

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'

xcodeproj 'BluePlaquesLondon.xcodeproj'
link_with ['BluePlaquesLondon']

def import_pods

     pod 'TTTAttributedLabel', '~> 1.10.1'
     pod 'GoogleAnalytics-iOS-SDK', '~> 3.0.9'
     pod 'Google-Maps-iOS-SDK'
     pod 'IntentKit'
     pod 'HCViews'
     pod 'SVProgressHUD', :head
     pod 'iRate'
     pod 'iOS-KML-Framework', :git => 'https://github.com/FLCLjp/iOS-KML-Framework.git'



target "BluePlaquesLondonFramework" do
    pod 'Kiwi'

If you added a custom build configuration to your existing project, Cocoapods will complain about it.

Cocoapods will automatically create xcconfig files under the directory Pods/Target Support Files/<build_target> following the naming pattern Pods-<build_target>.<build_config>.xcconfig.

Just make sure to manually add those files to your project in Xcode (under the Pods directory, but not inside the Pods project!). Once those files are included select your project in Xcode, go to the "Info" tab, and expand your custom configuration. Select the appropriate xcconfig file for each target under your custom configuration.


I had the same error while pod install. I tried everything (reinstall pod, update all gems, etc.) and I found solution worked in my case. There was problem because of changing target's name. In this case solution is simple:

  1. Click Product -> Scheme -> Manage Schemes...
  2. Click on your target on the list and delete it with "-" sign on bottom of window.
  3. Click "+" to add target back to list. Choose correct target and name.

After all everything should works.


In case you are using custom config you can follow the suggestion in the warning and include the Pod config in your config file

     #include "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-YYY/Pods-YYYY.develop-archive.xcconfig"

This will NOT stop the warnings but will allow you to use your private config (there is an open bug on the warning with CocoaPods project) https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/2633

  1. Add the relevent xcconfig files to your project. Cocoapods will have created them but you can't set them in Xcode until they are in the project.
    • You probably want to add them to the Pods group where the other pods xcconfig files are. Right click and add files.
    • Search for xcconfig files in your project folder or look in Pods/Target Support Files/[TARGET_NAME]/ (I have different cocoapods configured for each target (extension and main project this may be slightly different in your case)
  2. Go to project configurations in the Info of your main project
  3. For each target and configuration set the appropriate pods configuration.
  4. pod install again and you should see no errors.

I moved pods in Podfile outside from the target. File changes from this:

# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '8.0'
# Uncomment this line if you're using Swift

target 'MyProject' do

pod 'Firebase', '>= 2.5.0'
pod 'Onboard'
pod 'GoogleMaps'
pod 'IQDropDownTextField'


To this:

# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '8.0'
# Uncomment this line if you're using Swift

pod 'Firebase', '>= 2.5.0'
pod 'Onboard'
pod 'GoogleMaps'
pod 'IQDropDownTextField'

target 'MyProject' do


So for me, the problem was due to the aforementioned xcconfig files names being changed before the Swift 3 update took place.

Something was out of sync, so Cocoapods created a 'Recovered References' folder section with the old named files, and linked to them.

To fix this, I:

  1. Removed the 'Recovered References' folder and the containing old .xcconfig files from Xcode and file system
  2. Quit Xcode

  3. Run pod install

Everything was handled for me after then, and the warnings were gone.


I was able to build the project touched by this issue on XCode 6 by:

  • selecting Project from the Project Navigator
  • choosing Project instead of Target
  • going to Info tab
  • choosing Pods.(debug/release) Configuration Files from the combobox for the respective Configurations.

Hope this will help someone.


This happened to me because I already had a Pod configuration. I'm new on iOS development, was searching instructions to install Alamofire + SwiftyJSON and ended up installing the libraries more than once, inadvertently. To me, what worked was: on the folder "Target Support Files" in "Pods" project, I selected the two correct .xcconfig files and dragged them to the "Pods" folder of my app project. This enabled the selection of the correct config files on the base configuration.

But then, if I run "pod install" again, the warning will change to the previous .xcconfig file. I try to delete the files and the old framework from the main project but when i ran the previous command once more, gave me the same warning, and created the file "Pods.framework" under the "Pods" folder of my app project. I ignored it, and it seems to be running ok, despite the two frameworks. I don't know if it's right, and a solution, if exists, it would be welcomed.


I had error:

diff: /../Podfile.lock: No such file or directory diff: /Manifest.lock: No such file or directory error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock.

I just checked the path where I was installing the pod and corrected it and installed again,It just worked.

Make sure give the path just before where .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace (if it is already there) exists.


The simplest solution for this (after having this issue multiple times):

  1. Delete Podfile & Podfile.lock from your project library (save Podfile somewhere so you could easily paste to new Podfile)
  2. run 'pod init'
  3. Edit the 'Podfile' to your will (add pods you are using)
  4. run 'pod install'

This would recreate everything and works always in minutes (not spending time to reverse engineer the "bug").