Using spark-shell
and HiveContext
, I tried to show all the hive tables. But when I start the thirft server
, and use beeline
to check all tables, it is empty there.
On Spark SQL documentation, it says
(1) if I put hive-site.xml
to conf/
in spark, saveAsTable
method for DataFrame
will persist table to hive specified in the xml file.
(2) if I put hive-site.xml
to conf/
in spark, thriftServer
will connect to the hive specified in the xml file.
Now I don't have any such xml file in conf/
, so I suppose they should all use the default configuration. But clearly it is not the case, could anyone help point out the reason?
Thank you so much.
When I use spark-shell
, I see the following line:
INFO Datastore: The class org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.model.MFieldSchema" is tagged as "embedded-only" so does not have its own datastore table.
Does this cause the two(spark-shell
and thrift-server
) see different hive metastore?
The code I tried on spark-shell
val hc = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
val df = hc.sql("show tables")
I tried "show tables
" on beeline;