I'm trying to dynamically change my event colors based on the view that is being rendered in full calendar.
When I populate the events into the calendar with ajax I pass the color and textColor dynamically from the server.
if event.service_area:
if event.service_area.pk == 1:
color = '#4986e7'
elif event.service_area.pk == 2:
color = '#ff7537'
elif event.service_area.pk == 3:
color = '#f691b2'
color = '#00a19c'
start = event.start_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
event_slug = {
'title': event.summary,
'start': start,
'description': event.description,
'location': event.location,
'g_event_id': event.google_event_id,
'status': event.status,
'event_id': event.id,
'color': '#fff',
'textColor': color,
In the 'month' view I want to retain the color that I originally passed in the event json (color text, white background), but when I switch to 'basicWeek' or 'agendaDay' view I want the colors to switch (white text, color background). When I switch views the first time it works, but then any subsequent switching of views causes the colors to endlessly switch.
eventRender: function(event, element, view) {
if (view !== 'month' ) {
var color = event.color;
var text = event.textColor;
event.color = text;
event.textColor = color;
How can I set up this event render script to only switch the colors I originally passed when the view I'm changing from is 'month' to 'agendaDay' or 'basicWeek' and then revert to the original colors when switching back to the 'month' view?