When a user clicks on the day link in the month view, I would like the day view to display a bit more information. So when they click this link:
I would like it to display this:
Basically, I want to append the order description to the order number. I already have the order description in the event details returned from my Web API call, and I use that description as a tool tip on the month view. Here are the eventRender and viewRender methods that are part of my calendar definition:
eventRender: function (event, element) {
event.title = event.OrderNumber;
element.find('.fc-title').append('<a href="...' + title="' + event.Description + '">' + event.OrderNumber + '</a>');
, viewRender: function (view, element) {
if (view.name == 'basicDay') {
element.find('.fc-title').append('<a href="...' title="' + event.Description + '">' + event.Description + '</a>');
In the viewRender, I have attempted to duplicate what worked in the eventRender (changing the ".fc-title" class), but that hasn't worked. Evaluating the objects passed into the viewRender method (view and element) while debugging haven't shown me any useful properties for what I need, but perhaps they are hiding from me.