I want to make my y axis ticks clickable, so I can request some data in the background depending on which tick was clicked.
My axis is <g class="y axis" id="yaxis">
and inside there are ticks like this:
<g class="tick" transform="translate(0,0)" style="opacity: 1;">
<line x2="-6" y2="0"></line>
<text dy=".32em" x="-9" y="0" style="text-anchor: end;">1547</text>
I want to be able to click the text (ok if the whole tick registers the click) and be able to use the value of it ("1547" here) in a function.
I looked through previous questions without luck but used them as base:
d3.js make axis ticks clickable
How to make axis ticks clickable in d3.js/dimple.js
What I tried
So far I only have been successful in adding a click event listener to the whole y axis which is not what I want. I have not managed to add a listener to each tick. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?
These work but apply one listener to the whole axis
svg.select(".y.axis").on("click", function() { console.log("click!");});
svg.select("#yaxis").on("click",function(d) {console.log("click!");});
All of these do not add listeners to the ticks
svg.selectAll(".y.axis g").on("click", function() {console.log("click!");});
svg.selectAll(".y.axis .tick").on("click", function() { console.log("click!");});
svg.select(".y.axis").selectAll(".tick").on("click", function() { console.log("click!");});
svg.select(".y.axis").selectAll("text").on("click", function() { console.log("click!");});
svg.selectAll("text").on("click", function() { console.log("click!");});
svg.select("#yaxis").selectAll(".tick").on("click",function(d) {console.log("click!");});
svg.selectAll(".tick").on("click", function() { console.log("click!");});
I am using D3 3.5.3.
<g class="y axis" id="yaxis">
), the ticks are inside it. – bugmenot123