
I have set up an Application Insights service in Azure for a WPF desktop application. The metrics are reported and everything looks right.

Note: The AI application type is set to: Windows Store Application.

Now I would like to define an email alert that reports me about every tracked crash. I have added an alert rule:

  • Metric: Server exceptions
  • Condition: greater than or equal to
  • Thershold: 1
  • Period: Over the last 5 minutes
  • email service and co-administrators: checked
  • additional adaministrator email: my email address which is the same as of my Azure account.

In the Alert rules list it shows Last Active with Never. But in the metrics diagram of the alert I see that the crashes are tracked.

How can I get Application Insights to send me an email when a crash is reported?

Update: The Azure Application Insights Alerts work only once question is similar than mine but it does not solve my use case. The answer of this question proposes the usage of a ".. Rate" metrics. There is an "Exception rate" metrics which stays in my case always at zero although exceptions are tracked by Application Insights. So my alert does not work.

Looks like this works now just like you're hoping stackoverflow.com/a/52303020/1985648Don Cheadle

2 Answers


This stackoverflow question/answer provides an explanation why it does not work: Azure Application Insights Alerts work only once

Unfortunately, it does not provide a solution for my use case. Maybe it is just not supported by Application Insights.


You could now do this using something like Microsoft Flow,


which has ways to query AI resources and then send mails.