
I'm trying to figure out how I can set up Email/Text alerts for custom requests inside application insights.

I have a number of different custom requests that are uniquely identified by a property in application insights. I can filter on these properties in the Metrics Explorer and even create graphs of the server response time for these specific requests. However I cant figure out how to set an alert if the server response time (for this individual custom request) goes over a certain threshold.

I've tried added a new metric alert rule but the only Metric that is relevant in the drop down in Server Response Time but there appears to be no way to specify this to a specific type of request as identified by a property on the request.

Would anyone know if this is currently possible in application insights and possibly be able to point me in the right direction.

Thanks for your help.


1 Answers


There are two options:

1) Call TrackMetric (provide some metric name) when particular request happens. Then configure alert based on this metric.

2) Write a tool/service/azure function which every few minutes runs a query in Application Insights Analytics and posts result as metric (using TrackMetric). Then configure alert from portal.

Right now AI team is working on providing #2 out of the box.