I'm trying to get data from an Eloquent query (that works), then order the data, then paginate the data.
I had the code ordering by date, then paginating, but now I want to order by facebook API obtained data (I get the data correctly).
The thing is I don't know what I should do first (paginate or ordering):
- If I paginate first, I don't know how to order the data since the object is LengthAwarePaginator and doesn't have any orderBy method.
- If I order first, I get a collection object and can't use ->paginate($perPage) to do the pagination.
This is the code:
$posts = Post::with('User')->
where('created_at', '<', new \DateTime)->
$counter = 0;
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$url = 'http://myweb.com/' . $post['id'];
$fb_stuff = json_decode(file_get_contents('https://api.facebook.com/method/links.getStats?urls=' . $url . '&format=json'), true);
$posts[$counter]['share_count'] = $fb_stuff[0]['share_count'];