I have a csv file with variables name "Latitude","Longitude","PM10 concentration". You can download data here. I want to plot PM10 data on a map of South Korea according to their latitude and Longitude. Also I want to show them as bubble with different size and color.
Following this example I have already plotted PM10 data on Google Map. But now I want do this without using Google map rather by creating spatial object or in any other way.
I tried to write some code but I have download the spatial data for administration area (GADM) of South Korea. But I am not sure that approach is right or wrong.
map<-readOGR('D:/BACKUP/R/GSTAT/R File/shape file korea map',layer ='KOR_adm2')
EPSG[grepl("WGS 84$", EPSG$note), ]
kmap84<-spTransform(kmap, CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
I don't understand what should I do next.