I have SCL011 Card Reader and need to read/write Mifare 1k cards. But I just can't get over Authentification step....
Card Reader should handle Mifare 1k cards:
Antenna ISO/IEC 14443 compliant design
Baudrate up to 848 Kbps
- Supported standards:
- ISO/IEC 14443-4 Typ A & B
- MIFARE: Classic 1K and 4K, DESFire, Ultralight, MIFARE Plus
- FeliCa™
- NFC forum tag type 1, 2, 3, 4
I have also updated to the latest firmware (1.20) http://support.identive-group.com/dfu_fw.php?OS=windows&readerno=85
card is connected and I can read the UID of the card with ff ca 00 00 00 I have also tried to read the sector directly without authorization ff b0 00 00 10 and I get message:
69 82 : Command not allowed. Security status not satisfied.
it means I need authorize myself, but if I try ff 82 00 00 06 ff ff ff ff ff ff or any other standard keys I always get back:
69 88 : Command not allowed. SM data objects incorrect.
funny thing is, that I can read and write this card without problems with my Nexus and Lumia phones...
What I'm doing wrong? Thanks for any help!
keys I have already tried:
* ff 82 00 00 06 ff ff ff ff ff ff
* ff 82 00 00 06 a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 f0
* ff 82 00 00 06 a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1
* ff 82 00 00 06 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
* ff 82 00 00 06 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5
* ff 82 00 00 06 4d 3a 99 c3 51 dd
* ff 82 00 00 06 1a 98 2c 7e 45 9a
* ff 82 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
* ff 82 00 00 06 d3 f7 d3 f7 d3 f7
* ff 82 00 00 06 aa bb cc dd ee ff