
In a Jenkins job I'm doing a couple of actions that reside in the pre-step build, such as executing a shell script. With the use of the Jenkins plugin "EnvInject" I want to inject environment variables into my maven build (Unit tests) so that those can be used inside my Java unit tests. Inside the shell script im doing something similar as:

echo "ip=$IP" >> unit-test.properties

While building Jenkins outputs the following:

[EnvInject] - Injecting environment variables from a build step.
[EnvInject] - Injecting as environment variables the properties file path 'unit-test.properties'
[EnvInject] - Variables injected successfully.

But the "ip" variable is not available inside my Java code (unit test). When I do a full print of both System.getProperties() and System.getenv() I do not see the "ip" enlisted.

Do I need to perform any special actions for maven to pass the variable to my Java code? Is something else wrong?

I'm pretty much stuck from this point onward, I do want to inject a key=value from a pre-step into my Java code.

Simple build step with a shell script would work, cat $WORKSPACE/src/main/resources/application.properties | grep -v 'ip' > $WORKSPACE/src/main/resources/application.properties and then update the ip using echo - echo "ip=<your ip>" >> $WORKSPACE/src/main/resources/application.propertiesankidaemon

2 Answers


My solution:

Create a "Build a free-style software project".

  1. Jenkins > New Item > Build a free-style software project
  2. Add 1st step: Execute shell @ Build, and echo key=value pairs to a .properties file
  3. Add 2nd step: Inject environment variables, use the .properties file as defined in step 2
  4. Add 3rd step: Invoke top-level Maven targets

All custom environment variables are accessible with the key as defined in step #2. This was the only way I found to inject environment variables from shell to java.

As explained.


I had a similar requirement in my project, except my project was Maven. To use a variable value from jenkins to my java code, I used -DargLine="-DEnv=$Environment" inside "Build->Advanced->JVM Options". From my java code, I fetched the value of "Env" using System.getProperty(). FYI "Environment" is my Jenkins Variable, and "Env" is variable which is storing the value passed from jenkins into its variable(Environment) and fetched in java code using System.getProperty().