
I need to get some of the Jenkins environment variables like BUILD_NUMBER and BUILD_URL and to inject them as variables in my Maven Java build.

I have added this to the pom.xml


and while building with just mvn install I'm trying to get the variable by

private static final String JENKINS_BUILD_URL = System.getProperty("jenkins.buildUrl");

but unfortunately the result is null...

What I'm doing wrong guys?

I have managed to get the variable by introducing this maven goal -Djenkins.buildUrl=${BUILD_URL}Atanas Kanchev
How I can instantiate the variable without using -Djenkins.buildUrl=${BUILD_URL}? I have a large number of Jenkins jobs and I would like to keep this in the source code rather than in Jenkins configAtanas Kanchev

2 Answers


Guessing you are trying to read this value into your unit tests? Then you would have to configure the environment variables of the surefire plugin:


As stated in this documentation: http://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-surefire-plugin/test-mojo.html#environmentVariables

Note that it's possible to do the same in other plugin, like the Maven Tomcat Plugin for example.


This how I achieved this in my application

Add a property in pom.xml


Create a new property in .properties file

jenkins.build.number = ${jenkins.buildNumber}

Enable filtering in maven by adding


Then read it from java using the following code

version = properties.getProperty("jenkins.build.number");

Change the maven goal as clean package -Denv.BUILD_NUMBER=${BUILD_NUMBER}

I was displaying this in our application's about page.