On the datasource of kendo grid I specified, in model, the type for each field.
In kendo grid for string, number and date I specified all the operators for each type.
However I can see only 'eq' and 'neq' operators (also for string, number and date fields).
Here is how i defined filterable.operators in my kendo grid:
filterable: {
operators: {
//filter menu for "string" type columns
string: {
eq: "Uguale a",
neq: "Diverso da",
startswith: "Comincia con",
contains: "Contiene",
endswith: "Termina per"
//filter menu for "number" type columns
number: {
eq: "Uguale a",
neq: "Diverso da",
gte: "Maggiore o uguale a",
gt: "Maggiore di",
lte: "Minore o uguale a",
lt: "Minore di"
//filter menu for "date" type columns
date: {
eq: "Uguale a",
neq: "Diverso da",
gte: "Successiva o uguale al",
gt: "Successiva al",
lte: "Precedente o uguale al",
lt: "Precedente al"