
On the datasource of kendo grid I specified, in model, the type for each field.

In kendo grid for string, number and date I specified all the operators for each type.

However I can see only 'eq' and 'neq' operators (also for string, number and date fields).

Here is how i defined filterable.operators in my kendo grid:

    filterable: {       

            operators: {
                //filter menu for "string" type columns
                string: {
                    eq: "Uguale a",
                    neq: "Diverso da",
                    startswith: "Comincia con",
                    contains: "Contiene",
                    endswith: "Termina per"
                //filter menu for "number" type columns
                number: {
                    eq: "Uguale a",
                    neq: "Diverso da",
                    gte: "Maggiore o uguale a",
                    gt: "Maggiore di",
                    lte: "Minore o uguale a",
                    lt: "Minore di"
                //filter menu for "date" type columns
                date: {
                    eq: "Uguale a",
                    neq: "Diverso da",
                    gte: "Successiva o uguale al",
                    gt: "Successiva al",
                    lte: "Precedente o uguale al",
                    lt: "Precedente al"


enter image description here

This part of the code seems legit to me. Can you post the full grid initialization parameter?The_Black_Smurf
The image doesn't help much... it ain't related to kendo grid initialization. It's only showing the model.The_Black_Smurf
You're right, I'll update as soon as possible, thanks in advance.assistbss
Don't answer by editing your question. Write your own answer and accept it to let other SO users you have found a solution to your question.The_Black_Smurf

1 Answers


The problem was in grid columns configuration.

For all columns I had a 'values' array.

It is useful for columns that must be filtered by static values (filter by sex, values: ['M', 'F']).

The problem arises when array values is empty.

Solved deleting values property when values array is empty.