For Kendo UI Grid, there is the option of setting filterable to row or menu or both. I was wondering if it was possible to set some columns to be row(only as row), while others display as menu(only as menu). Preferably not with css.
Example: I want field name to be a row filter, while age to be a menu filter
dataSource: ...
filterable: {
operators: {
string: {
startswith: "Starts with",
eq: "Exact Client Name",
contains: "contains"
number: {
gte: "From",
lte: "Before"
mode: "row" },
column: [ { field: "ClientName", title: "Client Name", width: 150, type: "string" , attributes: { style: "text-align:left;" }, filterable: { messages: { info: "Show clients that: " }, extra: false} },
{ field: "Month", title: "Month", width: 78, type: "number", attributes: { style: "text-align:center;" }, filterable: { messages: { info: "Show month(s): ", and: "To" }, ui: monthFilter, mode: "menu" } }