
I want to write a function which take set as input and return true if it is top and false if it is bottom. I have tried in this way..

isTop : Set → Bool
isTop x = if (x eq ⊤) then true
              else false

But i am not able to define eq correctly. I tried as..

_eq_ : Set → Set → Bool
⊤ eq ⊥ = false

This is not working because when i check T eq T it is also returning false.

Please help me to write this eq function or any other ways to write isTop.

It is possible to, for example, define a Set whose inhabitants are proofs of the Goldbach conjecture. What does that tell you about isTop?luqui
I'm not sure how to define isTop, but the reason ⊤ eq ⊤ is returning false is because you cannot pattern match on something of type Set. Agda is interpreting and as ordinary variable names. It would be same same as saying x eq y = false.Matt
@luqui I am not getting how to define a set with that proof. Can you elaborate??ajayv
In short, this is impossible. You should instead state what broader goal you are trying to accomplish.user2407038
The universe Set is not an inductively defined type, so you can't use pattern matching on that. Suppose you could somehow have a definition for _eq_ using pattern matching. Later on you could add a custom type data Foo : Set where ..., where Foo was not considered in the definition of _eq_.chi

1 Answers


It's impossible in Agda, but is not senseless in general.

You could write something not very meaninigful:

open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Bool

data U : Set where
  bot top : U

⟦_⟧ : U -> Set
⟦ bot ⟧ = ⊥
⟦ top ⟧ = ⊤

record Is {α} {A : Set α} (x : A) : Set where

is : ∀ {α} {A : Set α} -> (x : A) -> Is x
is _ = _

isTop : ∀ {u} -> Is ⟦ u ⟧ -> Bool
isTop {bot} _ = false
isTop {top} _ = true

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

test-bot : isTop (is ⊥) ≡ false
test-bot = refl

test-top : isTop (is ⊤) ≡ true
test-top = refl

u can be inferred from Is ⟦ u ⟧, because ⟦_⟧ is constructor headed. Is is a singleton, so it allows to lift values to the type level. You can find an example of using here.