I am not able to understand it clearly. I tried to learn "with" keyword but there also i have doubt. Please help !!!
I wanted to understand the working of "with" and working of this code.
something-even : ∀ n → Even n ⊎ Even (suc n)
something-even zero = inj₁ zero
something-even (suc n) with something-even n
... | inj₁ x = inj₂ (suc-suc x)
... | inj₂ y = inj₁ y
(this states that either n is even or its successor is even). In fact, thm0 can be implemented without using recursion!
thm0 : ∀ x → ∃ λ y → Even y × x less-than y
thm0 n with something-even n
... | inj₁ x = suc (suc n) , suc-suc x , suc ref
... | inj₂ y = suc n , y , ref