I am working in a Sencha Touch application and I have the next doubt/issue with this code.
Ext.each(records, function(record){
newItem = Ext.create('Ext.Panel', {
material: record.get('material'),
cls: 'setitems-item',
tpl: '<div class="setitems-item-material">{material}</div>' +
'<div class="setitems-item-atpstatus {atpstatus}">{cquantity}</div>' +
'<div class="setitems-item-cdd">{[Cicero.Helper.formatSAPdate2Str(values.cdd)]}</div>' +
'<div class="setitems-item-netprice">{netprice}</div>' +
'<div class="setitems-item-netvalue">{netvalue}</div>',
items: [
xtype: 'button',
text: Cicero.Text.getText('SC_I_CONDITIONS_BTN'),
itemId: 'setItemConditions',
data: record.getData()
}, this);
And this code manages the button created for each modal window from the controller.
manageSetItemConditions: function (button) {
var matId = button.up('panel'),
//var matId = button.up('panel').material,
recordId = button.up('cartItem').getRecordId(),
record = Ext.getStore('CartItems').getById(recordId),
conditionsStore = record.setitems().findRecord('material', matId).conditions(),
orderTypeConditionsStore = this.getCartHeader().down('#headerOrderType').getRecord().sconditions(),
view = Ext.create('xx.view.cart.Conditions', {
orderTypeConditionsStore: orderTypeConditionsStore
//view.setRecordId(record.getId());//TODO: mirar si es necesario
Here you can see the property "material" but this is not a included property in the Sencha class, How to add this new config property in the class Panel (in this case)?
Do I need to override the class Panel?
This code is working in localhost but not after the production build, command line of Sencha CMD because material property is not included in the class.
, you can always access it usingnewItem.config.material
. – Alexandervar matId = button.up('panel').material
withvar matId = button.up('panel').config.material
for a quick&dirty working solution. – Alexander