I have an element that already has a class:
<div class="someclass">
<img ... id="image1" name="image1" />
Now, I want to create a JavaScript function that will add a class to the div
(not replace, but add).
How can I do that?
Use element.classList.add to add a class:
And element.classList.remove to remove a class:
Add a space plus the name of your new class to the className
property of the element. First, put an id
on the element so you can easily get a reference.
<div id="div1" class="someclass">
<img ... id="image1" name="image1" />
var d = document.getElementById("div1");
d.className += " otherclass";
Note the space before otherclass
. It's important to include the space otherwise it compromises existing classes that come before it in the class list.
See also element.className on MDN.
The easiest way to do this without any framework is to use element.classList.add method.
var element = document.getElementById("div1");
Edit: And if you want to remove class from an element -
I prefer not having to add any empty space and duplicate entry handling myself (which is required when using the document.className
approach). There are some browser limitations, but you can work around them using polyfills.
Cross Compatible
In the following example we add a classname
to the <body>
element. This is IE-8 compatible.
var a = document.body;
a.classList ? a.classList.add('classname') : a.className += ' classname';
This is shorthand for the following..
var a = document.body;
if (a.classList) {
} else {
a.className += ' wait';
If your more concerned with performance over cross-compatibility you can shorten it to the following which is 4% faster.
var z = document.body;
Alternatively you could use jQuery but the resulting performance is significantly slower. 94% slower according to jsPerf
Using jQuery selectively is the best method for removing a class if your concerned with performance
var a = document.body, c = ' classname';
Without jQuery it's 32% slower
var a = document.body, c = ' classname';
a.className = a.className.replace( c, '' );
a.className = a.className + c;
When the work I'm doing doesn't warrant using a library, I use these two functions:
function addClass( classname, element ) {
var cn = element.className;
//test for existance
if( cn.indexOf( classname ) != -1 ) {
//add a space if the element already has class
if( cn != '' ) {
classname = ' '+classname;
element.className = cn+classname;
function removeClass( classname, element ) {
var cn = element.className;
var rxp = new RegExp( "\\s?\\b"+classname+"\\b", "g" );
cn = cn.replace( rxp, '' );
element.className = cn;
Assuming you're doing more than just adding this one class (eg, you've got asynchronous requests and so on going on as well), I'd recommend a library like Prototype or jQuery.
This will make just about everything you'll need to do (including this) very simple.
So let's say you've got jQuery on your page now, you could use code like this to add a class name to an element (on load, in this case):
$(document).ready( function() {
$('#div1').addClass( 'some_other_class' );
} );
Check out the jQuery API browser for other stuff.
You can use the classList.add OR classList.remove method to add/remove a class from a element.
var nameElem = document.getElementById("name")
The above code will add(and NOT replace) a class "anyclass" to nameElem. Similarly you can use classList.remove() method to remove a class.
To add a class to an element, without removing/affecting existing values, append a space and the new classname, like so:
document.getElementById("MyElement").className += " MyClass";
To replace all existing classes with one or more new classes, set the className attribute:
document.getElementById("MyElement").className = "MyClass";
(You can use a space-delimited list to apply multiple classes.)
I too think that the fastest way is to use Element.prototype.classList as in es5: document.querySelector(".my.super-class").classList.add('new-class')
but in ie8 there is no such thing as Element.prototype.classList, anyway you can polyfill it with this snippet (fell free to edit and improve it):
if(Element.prototype.classList === void 0){
function DOMTokenList(classes, self){
typeof classes == "string" && (classes = classes.split(' '))
Array.prototype.push.apply(this, classes);
this.__self__ = this.__self__ || self
DOMTokenList.prototype.item = function (index){
return this[index];
DOMTokenList.prototype.contains = function (myClass){
for(var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--){
if(this[i] === myClass){
return true;
return false
DOMTokenList.prototype.add = function (newClass){
this.__self__.className += (this.__self__.className?" ":"")+newClass;
DOMTokenList.call(this, this.__self__.className)
DOMTokenList.prototype.remove = function (oldClass){
this[this.indexOf(oldClass)] = undefined
this.__self__.className = this.join(' ').replace(/ +/, ' ')
DOMTokenList.call(this, this.__self__.className)
DOMTokenList.prototype.toggle = function (aClass){
this[this.contains(aClass)? 'remove' : 'add'](aClass)
return this.contains(aClass);
DOMTokenList.prototype.replace = function (oldClass, newClass){
this.contains(oldClass) && this.remove(oldClass) && this.add(newClass)
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, 'classList', {
get: function() {
return new DOMTokenList( this.className, this );
enumerable: false
To add, remove or check element classes in a simple way:
var uclass = {
exists: function(elem,className){var p = new RegExp('(^| )'+className+'( |$)');return (elem.className && elem.className.match(p));},
add: function(elem,className){if(uclass.exists(elem,className)){return true;}elem.className += ' '+className;},
remove: function(elem,className){var c = elem.className;var p = new RegExp('(^| )'+className+'( |$)');c = c.replace(p,' ').replace(/ /g,' ');elem.className = c;}
var elem = document.getElementById('someElem');
//Add a class, only if not exists yet.
//Remove class
I know IE9 is shutdown officially and we can achieve it with element.classList
as many told above but I just tried to learn how it works without classList
with help of many answers above I could learn it.
Below code extends many answers above and improves them by avoiding adding duplicate classes.
function addClass(element,className){
var classArray = className.split(' ');
classArray.forEach(function (className) {
element.className += " "+className;
//this will add 5 only once
addClass(document.querySelector('#getbyid'),'3 4 5 5 5');
You can use modern approach similar to jQuery
If you need to change only one element, first one that JS will find in DOM, you can use this:
document.querySelector('.someclass').className += " red";
.red {
color: red;
<div class="someclass">
<p>This method will add class "red" only to first element in DOM</p>
<div class="someclass">
<p>lorem ipsum</p>
<div class="someclass">
<p>lorem ipsum</p>
<div class="someclass">
<p>lorem ipsum</p>
Keep in mind to leave one space before class name.
If you have multiple classes where you want to add new class, you can use it like this
document.querySelectorAll('.someclass').forEach(function(element) {
element.className += " red";
.red {
color: red;
<div class="someclass">
<p>This method will add class "red" to all elements in DOM that have "someclass" class.</p>
<div class="someclass">
<p>lorem ipsum</p>
<div class="someclass">
<p>lorem ipsum</p>
<div class="someclass">
<p>lorem ipsum</p>
Just to elaborate on what others have said, multiple CSS classes are combined in a single string, delimited by spaces. Thus, if you wanted to hard-code it, it would simply look like this:
<div class="someClass otherClass yetAnotherClass">
<img ... id="image1" name="image1" />
From there you can easily derive the javascript necessary to add a new class... just append a space followed by the new class to the element's className property. Knowing this, you can also write a function to remove a class later should the need arise.
I think it's better to use pure JavaScript, which we can run on the DOM of the Browser.
Here is the functional way to use it. I have used ES6 but feel free to use ES5 and function expression or function definition, whichever suits your JavaScript StyleGuide.
'use strict'
const oldAdd = (element, className) => {
let classes = element.className.split(' ')
if (classes.indexOf(className) < 0) {
element.className = classes.join(' ')
const oldRemove = (element, className) => {
let classes = element.className.split(' ')
const idx = classes.indexOf(className)
if (idx > -1) {
classes.splice(idx, 1)
element.className = classes.join(' ')
const addClass = (element, className) => {
if (element.classList) {
} else {
oldAdd(element, className)
const removeClass = (element, className) => {
if (element.classList) {
} else {
oldRemove(element, className)
document.getElementById('some_id').className+=' someclassname'
First approach helped in adding the class when second approach didn't work.
Don't forget to keep a space in front of the ' someclassname'
in the first approach.
For removal you can use:
Sample with pure JS. In first example we get our element's id and add e.g. 2 classes.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
document.getElementsById('tabGroup').className = "anyClass1 anyClass2";
In second example we get element's class name and add 1 more.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
document.getElementsByClassName('tabGroup')[0].className = "tabGroup ready";
For those using Lodash and wanting to update className
// get element reference
var elem = document.getElementById('myElement');
// add some classes. Eg. 'nav' and 'nav header'
elem.className = _.chain(elem.className).split(/[\s]+/).union(['nav','navHeader']).join(' ').value()
// remove the added classes
elem.className = _.chain(elem.className).split(/[\s]+/).difference(['nav','navHeader']).join(' ').value()
You can use the API querySelector to select your element and then create a function with the element and the new classname as parameters. Using classlist for modern browsers, else for IE8. Then you can call the function after an event.
//select the dom element
var addClassVar = document.querySelector('.someclass');
//define the addclass function
var addClass = function(el,className){
if (el.classList){
else {
el.className += ' ' + className;
//call the function
addClass(addClassVar, 'newClass');
first, give the div an id. Then, call function appendClass:
<script language="javascript">
function appendClass(elementId, classToAppend){
var oldClass = document.getElementById(elementId).getAttribute("class");
if (oldClass.indexOf(classToAdd) == -1)
document.getElementById(elementId).setAttribute("class", classToAppend);
In my case, I had more than one class called main-wrapper
in the DOM, but I only wanted to affect the parent main-wrapper
. Using :first Selector
(https://api.jquery.com/first-selector/), I could select the first matched DOM element. This was the solution for me:
$(document).ready( function() {
$('#deals-index > div:eq(0) > div:eq(1)').addClass('doubleheaderredesign');
} );
I also did the same thing for the second children of a specific div in my DOM as you can see in the code where I used $('#deals-index > div:eq(0) > div:eq(1)').addClass('doubleheaderredesign');
NOTE: I used jQuery
as you can see.
This js code works for me
provides classname replacement
var DDCdiv = hEle.getElementBy.....
var cssCNs = DDCdiv.getAttribute('class');
var Ta = cssCNs.split(' '); //split into an array
for (var i=0; i< Ta.length;i++)
if (Ta[i] == 'visible'){
Ta[i] = 'hidden';
break;// quit for loop
else if (Ta[i] == 'hidden'){
Ta[i] = 'visible';
break;// quit for loop
DDCdiv.setAttribute('class',Ta.join(' ') ); // Join array with space and set class name
To add just use
var cssCNs = DDCdiv.getAttribute('class');
var Ta = cssCNs.split(' '); //split into an array
Ta.push('New class name');
// Ta.push('Another class name');//etc...
DDCdiv.setAttribute('class',Ta.join(' ') ); // Join array with space and set class name
To remove use
var cssCNs = DDCdiv.getAttribute('class');
var Ta = cssCNs.split(' '); //split into an array
for (var i=0; i< Ta.length;i++)
if (Ta[i] == 'visible'){
Ta.splice( i, 1 );
break;// quit for loop
DDCdiv.setAttribute('class',Ta.join(' ') ); // Join array with space and set class name
Hope this is helpful to sombody
instead. – Pikamander2