I'm trying to upload a sketch to my Arduino Yun over Wifi and it is not working. I'm running OS X 10.10.3 with Java 1.8.0_25 and Arduino IDE version 1.6.4.
I can upload the sketch via USB, but when I try using WiFi I see the following error in the Arduino Console:
at cc.arduino.packages.uploaders.SSHUploader.uploadUsingPreferences(SSHUploader.java:102)
at processing.app.debug.Compiler.upload(Compiler.java:163)
at processing.app.Sketch.upload(Sketch.java:1220)
at processing.app.Sketch.exportApplet(Sketch.java:1194)
at processing.app.Sketch.exportApplet(Sketch.java:1166)
at processing.app.Editor$DefaultExportHandler.run(Editor.java:2487)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Caused by: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: session is down
at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.openChannel(Session.java:843)
at cc.arduino.packages.ssh.SSH.execSyncCommand(SSH.java:58)
at cc.arduino.packages.uploaders.SSHUploader.runAVRDude(SSHUploader.java:130)
at cc.arduino.packages.uploaders.SSHUploader.uploadUsingPreferences(SSHUploader.java:93)
... 6 more
I've found some related information on github and arduino forum, but I can't quite see how it applies to my setup or any documentation on instructions for setting up ~/.ssh/config.
I am able to connect to my board using SSH from the command line.