I have followed the quickstart tutorial step by step on this link https://www.parse.com/apps/quickstart#embedded/arduinoyun .
Here is my output on the Aruino Yun's serial monitor:
Parse Starter Project
Response for saving a TestObject:
Test object id:
Push Installation ID:4b3b82af-8d39-4413-b4e0-.............................
(Test Object ID response is empty. and Push Service started successfully and it gave a valid Installation ID which is the same when I run the code multiple times. )
On clicking the "Test" button in the bottom of the page, I get the following error on the website:
"Can't find any registered devices yet..."
I know I am missing something but can't figure out what. I am using the same Parse application which I have used successfully to send Push notifications on my iOS App and Windows App.
I need my Arduino Yun is receive push notifications.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.