I'm trying to write a function in clojure that calls a condition for each value in a vector; the function should return the OR of the result of the condition applied to each value. Eg I have a vector [1 2 3 4] and a condition (>= x 3) where x is an element in the vector, then the function should return true (similary [0 1 0 1] should return false).
I wrote the method
(defn contains-value-greater-or-equal-to-three [values]
(or (for [x values] (>= x 3)))
but for the vector [1 2 3 4] this just yields (false false true true); what I want instead is the 'or' function applied to these values.
I'm quite new to functional programming and clojure, let me know if I'm thinking about this the wrong way.