I am a beginner to functional programming and Clojure programming language and I'm resorting to recur
pretty much for everything. I have a dataset in csv, imported as a map. I have extracted the info I need to use as vectors. Each column is a vector [1 5 10 8 3 2 1 ...]
and I want to calculate the mean of each column. I wrote the following function:
(defn mean
"Calculate the mean for each column"
(mean columns []))
(if (empty? columns)
(recur (rest columns)
(conj means (float (/ (reduce + (first columns)) (count (first columns)))))))))
;; Calcule the mean for the following vectors
(mean [[1 2 3] [1 2 3] [1 2 3]])
; => [2.0 2.0 2.0]
Is this a functional way of solving this problem?