
I have looked some videos and read some articles about MVC, MVP, MVVM. I think, that I understood basic principles and differences. But it seems to me that samples in articles and videos are very easy.

I think that it's easy to learn how to apply these patterns when you can look on some projects.

So I'd like to look on real projects(Winforms/WPF), which use MVC, MVP or MVVM. Could you provide me links to sources of such projects? (If it is open source)

It will be great if projects will have unit tests for Controller/Presenter/ViewModel, because it's one of my problem when I develop applications.

Thanks in advance.


2 Answers


CodePlex will have a fair few http://www.codeplex.com/

I assume you have also used the samples at http://www.asp.net/mvc (you seemed to suggest this in your post)

Edit: also see these questions: Good examples of WPF applications

Real World ASP.NET MVC Applications with Source Code?