I'm using Twilio PHP library but the question is actually language agnostic. I tried to do something like following:
$client = new Services_Twilio('MyAccountSID', 'My auth token');
$client->account->calls->create($from_number, $to_number, $url_or_AppSID, array(
'TwilioParam1' => 'value1',
'TwilioParam2' => 'value2',
'MyCustomParameter1' => 'CustomValue1',
'MyCustomParamete2' => 'CustomValue2'
Then I expected to receive those parameters when Twilio requested my $url_or_AppSID (my TwiML App) but it did not happen. I know that a possible way to do that is building an URL adding those parameters in query string and passing my custom URL in $url_or_AppSID parameter but this force me to set GET method and I wanna pass my custom parameters through a POST request, not GET. Also it's probably that I have to use an AppSID which has already a request URL registered via POST.
Is there a way to pass custom parameters using POST method?