i'm trying to embed an swf file into a flash builder 4.6 project like this
[Embed(source="path/to/my.swf", symbol="my_symbol")]
public var MySymbolClass:Class;
Then i'm adding the symbol like this
var skin:Sprite = new MySymbolClass:Class() as Sprite;
The problem is it is not showing the texts in the embeded swf. I opened the source .fla and all the texts are TLF. If I change the text to classic text it works but I don't want to change all the texts as there are may of them.
I'm exporting the swf from flash cs6. I have already tried setting the default linkage as "Merged into code" and "runtime shared library (RSL)" at the ActionScript 3.0 settings but it does not work. If I chose "Preloaded SWF" it will cause an embed error in flash builder.
I'm using apache flex 4.12.1 SDK
Is there any solution to this?