
In my project i use swfs bundled with resources. These bundles are created from another utility application. Application creates an Package.as file with [Embed] tags puts all resources to the the same directory and runs mxmlc to compile bundle swf.

Bundled swf works like a charm. I can instantiate assets.

However i want to implement another utility to edit these bundles ( to add and remove resources) Here is the problem. Since this bundle.swf is not created from Flash i cannot use:

[Embed ( source="oldbundle.swf", symbol="Package_res1" ) ]  // ( "Package_res1" is class name of resource in bundle")

in creating new swf. mxmlc returns symbol not found errors.

For bytearray assets i found a solution. I write bytearrays to disk, then use those files for embed. However i cannot do the same thing for vector graphics that were added as symbol from Flash swf into the original bundle. If i write bitmapdatas on disk i would lose vectorness ( Not sure if it is a word :) ). SVG is not a complete option to substute flash symbol.

Using as3swf, i inspected the bundle swf and saw SymbolClass tag. All of the assets are defined there. I don't know why embed tag cannot find the symbol. Difference with bundled.swf symbol and Flash swf symbol is, one extends SpriteAsset( an flex framework object) other extends sprite

What can i do to use older swf as embed source for new swf?


2 Answers


Your symbols need to be public.

Here's an example. First, the original SWF, let's call it Bundle.swf.

// Bundle.as

import flash.display.*;

public class Bundle extends Sprite
    public function Bundle()
        var image:DisplayObject = new Image();


This is where Image is defined:

// Image.as

import flash.display.*;

public class Image extends Bitmap


Now if you compile Bundle.as and open Bundle.swf, you'll see your image.

Next, we want to reuse it in a new SWF, let's call it Application.swf.

// Application.as

import flash.display.*;

public class Application extends Sprite
    [Embed(source='Bundle.swf', symbol='Image')]
    private var imageClass:Class;

    public function Application()
        var image:DisplayObject = new imageClass();


Compile Application.as and open Application.swf. You'll see the image again.

It works because Image is public.


You can also make it work with member variables by extracting the name of the class auto-generated by mxmlc. For example, here's the same Bundle class again:

// Bundle.as

import flash.display.*;

public class Bundle extends Sprite
    private var imageClass:Class;

    public function Bundle()
        var image:DisplayObject = new imageClass();


Now if you compile it with -keep:

mxmlc Bundle.as -keep

You can find the generated code in a file called Bundle_imageClass.as in the generated directory, with the following contents:


import mx.core.BitmapAsset;

[Embed(_resolvedSource="/Users/manish/Code/test/image.jpg", _column="6", source="image.jpg", exportSymbol="Bundle_imageClass", _line="9", _file="/Users/manish/Code/test/Bundle.as")]

public class Bundle_imageClass extends mx.core.BitmapAsset 
    public function Bundle_imageClass() 



Look for exportSymbol. That's your symbol name for embedding into other SWFs.

Now the Application class:

// Application.as

import flash.display.*;

public class Application extends Sprite
    [Embed(source='Bundle.swf', symbol='Bundle_imageClass')]
    private var imageClass:Class;

    public function Application()
        var image:DisplayObject = new imageClass();


Use the exact value you find in exportSymbol in the generated code (in this case, Bundle_imageClass), and you should be good.