In my project i use swfs bundled with resources. These bundles are created from another utility application. Application creates an file with [Embed] tags puts all resources to the the same directory and runs mxmlc to compile bundle swf.
Bundled swf works like a charm. I can instantiate assets.
However i want to implement another utility to edit these bundles ( to add and remove resources) Here is the problem. Since this bundle.swf is not created from Flash i cannot use:
[Embed ( source="oldbundle.swf", symbol="Package_res1" ) ] // ( "Package_res1" is class name of resource in bundle")
in creating new swf. mxmlc returns symbol not found errors.
For bytearray assets i found a solution. I write bytearrays to disk, then use those files for embed. However i cannot do the same thing for vector graphics that were added as symbol from Flash swf into the original bundle. If i write bitmapdatas on disk i would lose vectorness ( Not sure if it is a word :) ). SVG is not a complete option to substute flash symbol.
Using as3swf, i inspected the bundle swf and saw SymbolClass tag. All of the assets are defined there. I don't know why embed tag cannot find the symbol. Difference with bundled.swf symbol and Flash swf symbol is, one extends SpriteAsset( an flex framework object) other extends sprite
What can i do to use older swf as embed source for new swf?