I was able to export single object (box.json) and scene (box2.json) form Blender using io_three.I also managed to load single object (box.json) with textures using JSONLoader() (modelWithTexture.html).
My objective is to load whole scene with all textured objects, lights and camera to three.js.Till now I managed to load scene with objects and lights, but without textures using ObjectLoader() (scene_noTextures.html) and I'm stuck.
All files, to which I'm referring above, plus .blend file, that I'm using in this example you will find here:
I found the answer to similar question here: Is three.js ObjectLoader capable of loading textures?
but In github dev branch is vast amount of different files that I have no idea how to use.
Please help me improve my code so I could complete my objective.(it's not actually my code, I just copied and pasted pieces of code from tutorials, basing on what I've learnt so far)
Thank You.