
I'm trying to extract stat information for updates (posts) of company pages. I have succeeded in getting:

  • likes and comments
  • daily/monthly impressions

but I can't seem to find where I can get: clicks, interactions and engagement.

Does anyone know if this information is available through the API or the partnership programs?

Edit: The question was originally asked for LinkedIn API v1 for which the documentation is lacking. For V2, the answer lives here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/organizations/share-statistics

the links are broken, maybe they can be updated to the new api v2 for people arriving at this page looking for help more recently?tanvi
This applies only for organization pages? You can't use same for your personal posts. I mean you can't get number of impressions for your personal post?Andriy Sambir

2 Answers