I am creating a POC to see how hard it would be to create our c# library projects, using the new DNX build approach. I installed VS 2015 and am running on: dnu --version 1.0.0-beta4-11566. My c# libraries still need to support .net 4.0, however I want to take advantage of the new build/nuget stuff that is coming out with project.json + nuget 3.0. So I created one library app and tried to consume it, in a console app.
1) ClassLibrary1
2) ConsoleApp1
ClassLibrary1 project.json
"version": "1.0.0-*",
"description": "poc",
"authors": [ "Patrick" ],
"tags": [ "" ],
"projectUrl": "",
"licenseUrl": "",
"dependencies": {
"Newtonsoft.Json": "6.0.8",
"Microsoft.Bcl": "1.1.10"
"frameworks": {
"net40": { }
ConsoleApp1 project.json
"version": "1.0.0-*",
"description": "Another test",
"authors": [ "Patrick" ],
"tags": [ "" ],
"projectUrl": "",
"licenseUrl": "",
"dependencies": {
"ClassLibrary1": "1.0.0"
"commands": {
"MyProj": "MyProj"
"frameworks": {
"net40": {},
"dnx451": {}
I thought I could remove framework dnx451, however my console app will not run without dnx451 (dnx . run). However it will build using dnu build!!! Why? This is the error I get when I leave dnx451 out and try to run it.
System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to resolve the following dependencies for target framework 'DNX,Version=v4.5.1': Microsoft.Bcl 1.1.10 Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.8