
I've come across CDialog::SetDefId and while it is pretty easy and clear that it is for "pushbuttons" I wanted to use this functionality with a non button control.I understand that you have to press Enter or Return to make the dialog use that ID

If I set nID to 0 in the CDialog::OnInitDialog and have no default button setted the dialog will default to CDialog::OnOk, If I do have a default button setted, the dialog will push that button as expected.

The thing is that I want to make this work for a non button control, so if I set nID to a control that is not a pushbutton, the dialog will do nothing even If I set the message handler for the keydown event or NM_RETURN, it doesn't matter if the control has focus or not, the dialog will still do nothing if I press Enter or Return.

How can I make the control be the default control without using stuff like PreTranslateMessage? and which message is sent to the control?

thanks in advance

There is no such thing as a "default" for non button controls. For example what should a "default" radio button or a "default" edit control do ? What are you trying to achieve ? This looks like an XY problem to me.Jabberwocky
I was looking at this question stackoverflow.com/questions/30127282/… and was wondering if there could be a default non button control, so any input would be passed to it as default. It is not a problem that I need to solve but rather I'm using it to study about mfcRobson

1 Answers


Yes, it only works with buttons but you can use SetFocus to change focus to any other control:

BOOL CMyDlg::OnInitDialog()
    return 0;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control

In this example the OK button may still be the default button. Enter key will go to default button, probably IDOK. But space key it will change the check box IDC_CHECK1.

There has to be a default button. If you don't want one, then add a fake button, lets say IDC_BUTTON1, and make it the default button and not visible, then you don't see a default button (you can still add IDC_BUTTON1 to message map and decide what to do with Enter key)