I have followed this question to make a non-modal/modeless dialog: How to display a non-modal CDialog?
I'm using MFC/C++ in VS2008. I'm more fluent with C# and .net than with MFC and C++.
I have a menu item in my form that launches the dialog. There can only be one instance of the dialog opened. The dialog displays fine. I can close it by clicking the X in the corner and it closes when I close the main form. The problem I am having is the dialog cannot be opened again after I click the X to close the dialog. I know it is because the pointer is never set back to NULL.
I have this in my form's header file:
CChildDialog *m_pDialog;
I have this part in my form's constructor:
m_pDialog = NULL;
When clicking on a menu item I have this code in the menu item's method (I modified it from the other SO answer because I only want one instance of the dialog opened):
if(m_pDialog == NULL)
// Invoking the Dialog
m_pDialog = new CChildDialog();
BOOL ret = m_pDialog->Create(IDD_CHILDDIALOG, this);
if (!ret) //Create failed.
AfxMessageBox(_T("Error creating Dialog"));
Now I know I need to execute this part and set the pointer to NULL, but I don't know where to put this:
// Delete the dialog once done
delete m_pDialog;
m_pDialog = NULL;
Do I need to keep monitoring if the dialog has been disposed? Is there an event triggered to the parent form when the dialog is closed?