I need to set output data when clock goes low and not to next rising_edge, I've modified a code to work in this way, but I've this warning:
Clock on register Empty tied to a constant Clock on register Full tied to a constant
This is the code:
elsif rising_edge(Clock) then
if (Head = Tail) then
if Looped then
FullVar := '1';
EmptyVar := '1';
end if;
EmptyVar := '0';
FullVar := '0';
end if;
Full <= FullVar;
Empty <= EmptyVar;
end if;
end process;
To eliminate this warning I've modified code in this way:
elsif rising_edge(Clock) then
if (Head = Tail) then
if Looped then
FullVar := '1';
EmptyVar := '1';
end if;
EmptyVar := '0';
FullVar := '0';
end if;
end if;
Full <= FullVar;
Empty <= EmptyVar;
end process;
But when I compile code and simulate I've a higher delay before flag is asserted(in the corrected code without warnings). Why is that? Also, code works, but it's correct this type of code or data should be always updated when rising_edge?
function does what you need. Be aware that this effectively creates a new mesochronous clock domain delayed by half a period. You will have less setup time available on the crossings between these domains and need to account for that with timing constraints in a real world design. – Kevin Thibedeauif rising_edge(clock) then
can not have a else case. It's not synthezisable. – Paebbels