I've a module that have a 8bit input and a serial output, I want to serialize input data and synchronize it with a clock.
I want to set my data when falling edge then wait when clock rise, when clock fall again I set another data. I don't want to connect the directly reference clock to the output because when I don't use this module I want a 1 state on clock output.
I've tried this code:
process(Clock, ModuleReset)
if ModuleReset = '0' then
OutData <= '0';
OutCK <= '0';
counter <= 7;
elsif falling_edge(Clock) then
OutCK <= '0';
OutData <= Data(counter);
elsif rising_edge(Clock) then
OutCK <= '1';
end if;
end process;
The synthesizer gives me this error:
"Asynchronous load of non-constant data for SCK is not supported"
When I separate the code in two blocks like this:
process(Clock, ModuleReset)
if ModuleReset = '0' then
OutData <= '0';
OutCK <= '0';
counter <= 7;
elsif falling_edge(Clock) then
OutCK <= '0';
OutData <= Data(counter);
end process;
if rising_edge(Clock) then
OutCK <= '1';
end if;
end process;
I have these two errors:
"Multiple non tristate drivers for net SCK"
"Unresolved tristate drivers for net SCK"
Another code I've tried is:
process(Clock, ModuleReset)
if ModuleEN = '1' then
OutCK <= Clock;
end if;
if ModuleReset = '0' then
OutData <= '0';
OutCK <= '0';
counter <= 7;
elsif falling_edge(Clock) then
OutCK <= '0';
OutData <= Data(counter);
end if;
end process;
But the output clock looks strange with a different frequency.