
I am using neo4j-2.2.1 and using Transactional Cypher Restful Endpoint to query. I am trying to match email nodes using the following query

match (e:Email) where e.email in ['gxxxxxxs@yyy.com'] return count(e);

The email property in Email node has a unique constraint on it and therefore has a index built automatically around it. The above query took 23 seconds when I ran it using query parameters as in {"statements": [{"parameters": {"emails": ["gxxxxxxs@yyy.com"]}, "statement": "match (c:Email) where c.email in {emails} return count(c)"}]} where as it took only 0.0134 seconds when I ran it directly without any parameters as in {"statements": [{"statement": "match (c:Email) where c.email in ['gxxxxxxs@yyy.com'] return count(c)"}]}

I tried to profile it to see how the query is executed and to my surprise, the parameterized query was not using the unique index seek which I expected it to use.

The results of the profiling as given below -

Profile of Non-Parameterized Query

{"statements": [{"statement": "PROFILE match (c:Email) where c.email in ['gxxxxxxs@yyy.com'] return count(c)"}]}

{"results":[{"columns":["count(c)"],"data":[{"row":[1]}],"plan":{"root":{"operatorType":"EagerAggregation","DbHits":0,"Rows":1,"version":"CYPHER 2.2","KeyNames":"","EstimatedRows":1.0000000000279299,"planner":"COST","identifiers":["count(c)"],"children":[{"operatorType":"NodeUniqueIndexSeek","Index":":Email(email)","Rows":1,"DbHits":1,"EstimatedRows":1.00000000005586,"identifiers":["c"],"children":[]}]}}}],"errors":[]}

Finished in 0.0134048461914 sec

Profile of Parameterized Query

{"statements": [{"parameters": {"emails": ["gxxxxxx@yyy.com"]}, "statement": "PROFILE match (c:Email) where c.email in {emails} return count(c)"}]} {"results":[{"columns":["count(c)"],"data":[{"row":[1]}],"plan":{"root":{"operatorType":"EagerAggregation","DbHits":0,"Rows":1,"version":"CYPHER 2.2","KeyNames":"","EstimatedRows":1384.8193022918188,"planner":"COST","identifiers":["count(c)"],"children":[{"operatorType":"Filter","LegacyExpression":"any(--INNER-- in {emails} where c.email == --INNER--)","Rows":1,"DbHits":5114522,"EstimatedRows":1917724.4999999998,"identifiers":["c"],"children":[{"operatorType":"NodeByLabelScan","LabelName":":Email","Rows":2557261,"DbHits":2557262,"EstimatedRows":2556966.0,"identifiers":["c"],"children":[]}]}]}}}],"errors":[]}

Finished in 23.5868499279 sec

Can someone please help me understand why a parameterized cypher query is not using the unique index seek


2 Answers


This is a reported bug in Cypher since 2.2+. ( IN not using indexes with parameters )


You can avoid this by prefixing your query with PLANNER RULE in order to use the previous Cypher planner and gain performance until the bug is fixed.

PLANNER RULE MATCH (e:Email) where e.email IN {emails} RETURN count(e);

It seems that for your parameterized query, the Cypher engine is not inferring the correct schema index to use and so is doing a scan. Ordinarily, the cypher engine needs to infer where in the graph to start the query by looking at the MATCH clause and the WHERE conditions and using that information to find a useful index.

You can ask it to use a specific index with USING. So if your Cypher query was something like this

MATCH (c:Email) 
USING INDEX c:Email(email)
WHERE c.email in ['gxxxxxxs@yyy.com'] 
RETURN count(c)

you should find that the query is executed using a NodeUniqueIndexSeek. The equivalent would be

    "statements": [{
        "parameters": {
            "emails": ["gxxxxxxs@yyy.com"]
        "statement": "MATCH (c:Email) 
                      USING INDEX c:Email(email) 
                      WHERE c.email IN {emails} 
                      RETURN count(c)"

(line breaks added for readibility)