this is a newo4j rest api call related error - from my java code I'm making a REST API call to a remote Neo4J Database by passing query and parameters, the query being executed is as below
*MERGE (s:Sequence {name:'CommentSequence'}) ON CREATE SET s.current = 1 ON MATCH SET s.current=s.current+1 WITH s.current as sequenceCounter MERGE (cmnt01:Comment {text: {text}, datetime:{datetime}, type:{type}}) SET = sequenceCounter WITH cmnt01 MATCH (g:Game {game_id:{gameid}}),(b:Block {block_id:{bid}, game_id:{gameid}}),(u:User {email_id:{emailid}}) MERGE (b)-[:COMMENT]->(cmnt01)<-[:COMMENT]-(u)*
Basically this query is generating a sequence number at run time and sets the 'CommentId' property of the Comment Node as this Sequence number before attaching the comment node to a Game's block i.e. For every comment added by the user I'm adding a sequence number as it's id.
This is working for almost 90% of the cases but there are couple of cases in a day when it fails with below error
ERROR com.exectestret.dao.BaseGraphDAO - Query execution error:**Error reading as JSON ''**
Why does the Neo4J Query not return any proper error code ? It just says error reading as JSON ''.
Neo4J Version is
Neo4j Community Edition 2.2.1
Thanks, Deepesh