I'm using Neo4j version 3.0.7
I'm reading a list of edges from a dataset and I need to pass those edges batch-wise using the REST API. I used the following query format to create multiple nodes (if they already don't exist) and their relationships in Neo4j through a single Cypher query via the REST API. I obtain the two vertices of an edge and the node properties are set according to the vertex IDs of those vertices.
"MATCH (n { name: 0 }), (m { name:1 })
CREATE (n)-[:X]->(m)
WITH count(*) as dummy
MATCH (n { name: 0 }), (m { name: 6309 })
CREATE (n)-[:X]->(m)"
This approach works correctly for a batch of 10 edges but when I try to send a batch of 1000 edges (nodes and their relationships) through a single Cypher query, I get a StackOverflowError
exception. Is there a better approach to achieve this task?
Thank you for your help.
The error obtained from the response:
"exception" : "StackOverflowError",
"fullname" : "java.lang.StackOverflowError",
"stackTrace" : [ "scala.collection.TraversableOnce$class.$div$colon(TraversableOnce.scala:151) ..."
attribute for finding the nodes, which means it would be worth putting an index on this property. For example, if you havePerson
nodes, index them withCREATE INDEX ON :Person(name)
(this example is taken from the Cypher reference card) - it should make quite a difference in the performance of the query. – Gabor Szarnyas