I am trying to create my first web app on Bluemix.
- I created a Java Liberty Runtime and downloaded the Starter Code to work on Eclipse.
- I installed IBM Bluemix tools to Eclipse and imported the starter code as an archive file.
When I try to run application on IBM Bluemix Server, it is recognizing the starter code as another new application and saying "There is a deployed application with the same name."
So, I cannot update the application on eclipse and also there is two different applications are being seen on server view:
When I try to go application homepage it is giving:
Not Found
The application or context root for this request has not been found: /
Thanks for any comments.
file? – Jeff Sloyerapplications: - disk_quota: 1024M host: e-urlabel name: e-urlabel path: webStarterApp.war domain: eu-gb.mybluemix.net instances: 1 memory: 512M
– smtnkc