
Hybris is providing Solr Sort Property for facet value. I can see in HMC for every solr item property, we can set its sorting behavior.

enter image description here

I want to set this sort by impex. There is a attribute customFacetSortProvider (String Type) which is holding the value of selected provider, becuase of String Type what i have to give in Impex so that it will work.

Please help.


1 Answers


You need to give bean id name in Impex to select customFacetSortProvider.

For Example

INSERT_UPDATE SolrIndexedProperty;name[unique=true];displayName[lang=en];customFacetSortProvider

facetNameSortProviderAscending bean is referring to the "Sort by displayed name" provider. you can check this bean definition in solrfacetsearch-spring.xml file.

<bean id="facetNameSortProviderAscending" class="de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.config.impl.DefaultFacetSortProvider">
    <property name="comparator" ref="facetDisplayNameComparator"/>
    <property name="descending" value="false"/>

Like that based on your need, you can give the bean for the respective provider and changes will refelect in HMC as well.

Check this.