I have running total of a group, works fine but doesn't reset after every group.
My group header Formula:
numbervar SUM_A:=0;
numbervar SUM_B:=0;
Next I have a suppressed formula in the Details section:
if ({REPORT_DATA.A} = "Y") then
(shared numbervar SUM_A:=SUM_A+{REPORT_DATA.SUM_OF_A};)
else if ({REPORT_DATA.BM} = "Y") then
(shared numbervar SUM_B:=SUM_B+{REPORT_DATA.B};)
In the group footer I have several formulas as such:
shared numbervar SUM_A;
Up to here everything works fine and the numbers add up. However, when the report continues and the second group begins, the SUM variable does not get reset (my understand is that it should because of the formula in the group header).
Any help would be appreciated.